Thread subject: :: Chrysotoxum_02_Aug-11

Posted by brigitteu on 05-09-2011 23:21


Switzerland, 13.08.2011, 430 msm, on my balcony

Chrysotoxum correct? ID possible?

Thanks a lot, kind regards, Brigitte

Posted by brigitteu on 05-09-2011 23:21


Posted by brigitteu on 05-09-2011 23:24


Posted by Andre on 07-09-2011 19:59

This may be elegans. But... pictures :(
Can you collect it fast, please, and send it to me? Bitte? :D
I know... too late :(

Edited by Andre on 07-09-2011 20:07

Posted by brigitteu on 07-09-2011 21:02

Hi André

the pics are not soooooo bad :-) only a little bit bad ;)
Chrysotoxum are not very common in my immediate environment and they are shy. I'm very happy for each Chrysotoxum which can be ID'd. And besides, they are nice. I'll try to get one for you!

What are you looking for to be sure for elegans? Perhaps I have a bad pic ;) with the detail.

Kind regards, Thanks for ID!