Thread subject: :: Scatophaga

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 04-11-2006 22:45

There's only one Scatophaga in my insect guide, and that one doesn;t have red eyes. Is my photograph detailed enough for species level identification? 4 november 2006 at Amstelveen, Netherlands.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 04-11-2006 23:19

Hi Cor.
It is Scathophaga suilla. May be you are right about eyes color, but more important characters are red antennae, plumose arista, red shoulders and black apexes of yellow/red femoras.
1. To be 99% sure you have to collect fly after photographing:o
2. To be 100% sure you have to wait till somebody revise this crazy genus:o:o

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 05-11-2006 10:22

Thanks again, I much appreciate you mentioning the crucial features!

Now that you mentioned the eyecolor not being distinctive, I saw that my other Scataphaga indeed have reddisch eyes too. I think I noticed it especially because the entire anterior part of the head is read, instead of only the eyes.

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 05-11-2006 20:25