Thread subject: :: Elegant 5 mm Fly at Mercury Vapor Lamp

Posted by Stephen on 04-11-2006 22:07

This nice-looking fly came to my mercury vapor lamp.

My training led me to think "Sciaridae" first. I checked wing venation against my book and they seemed to match.

One key is supposed to be "eyes meet above the antennae" but I guess you can't see that from this view (my only view of this fly).

Is this a correct ID, Sciaridae? Probably no way to tell the sex of the fly from this photo?

West Virginia USA, 19 October 2006. Length 5.1 mm.

Edited by Stephen on 04-11-2006 22:08

Posted by Jan Willem on 05-11-2006 16:20

Hi Stephen,

Sciaridae is correct. Although difficult to see, I think you are dealing with a female.

Jan Willem

Posted by Stephen on 05-11-2006 20:09

Jan, Thanks for your help with this fly!