Thread subject: :: sarcophaga

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 03-11-2006 22:29

I arrived at Sarcophaga carnaria only because it's the only Sarcophaga in my insect guide. Can this be (dis)confirmed? I want to submit them for the gallery, but the name better be correct...

Amstelveen, The Netherlands. 27 August 2006. Bramble along ditch.

Edited by Cor Zonneveld on 03-11-2006 22:31

Posted by Cor Zonneveld on 03-11-2006 22:30

and a single one. This one in Belgium, Ardennes. 19 August 2006.

Posted by Zeegers on 05-11-2006 22:30

Well, little reaction.
Cor, please understand that Sarcophaga s.l. is a very difficult group, best IDed on the male genitalia.
the first picture is not Sarcophaga carnaria, but another one.
But that's all I can say

Theo Zeegers