Thread subject: :: [Heteroptera] Piezodorus lituratus

Posted by crex on 02-11-2006 01:04

Is this a larva from a Pentatomidae sp? Found just north of Stockholm, Sweden 2006-08-09. The size, I'm guessing 8 mm ... Don't know the name of the plant. If it's possible to id to species level I'd be thrilled :)

Edited by crex on 17-11-2006 10:04

Posted by kitenet on 04-11-2006 00:36

If I found this in the UK I'd say it was Piezodorus lituratus (Gorse Shieldbug :)).


Posted by crex on 04-11-2006 01:13

Thanx again Martin! It's difficult when these bugs change appearances so much. There aren't that many photos of Heteroptera larva either. One question. I thought (=I read somewhere) that Piezodorus literatus always has red antenna!? This one's not really red, but that is perhaps not always the case?

Posted by kitenet on 04-11-2006 01:56

I think the antennae are red/pink in the adults, but darker in the larvae, judging by the photos I've seen in books and on websites. In Roger Hawkins's "Shieldbugs of Surrey" he says the larvae have antennae that are "black, or partly reddish".


Posted by crex on 04-11-2006 12:13

Ok, thanks once again!

Posted by Andre Jas on 04-11-2006 16:07


Are you shure Martin. I always look at Frank's site (http://www.koleop...index.html and then Pentatomorpha III) first and it looks different to me, but I'm no expert. Maybe Frank can comment?

Posted by kitenet on 04-11-2006 20:27

Well, I'm rarely absolutely certain about identifying an insect:D! However, this photo matches others I've seen in the UK for P. lituratus. The ones on are certainly much greener, but the larvae do vary in colour quite a lot.
