Thread subject: :: Dasysyrphus? -> Dasysyrphus albostriatus, female

Posted by brigitteu on 17-08-2011 23:21


Switzerland, 05.08.2011, about 2 km southern from Lake-Zurich, on my balcony, 430 msm

Could this be D. albostriatus?

Thanks a lot, kind regards, Brigitte

Edited by brigitteu on 20-08-2011 21:44

Posted by brigitteu on 17-08-2011 23:22


Posted by tristram on 19-08-2011 23:04

It looks a pretty good match for a summer female Dasysyrphus albostriatus, at least according to Stubbs and Falk (British Hoverflies). The abdomen markings are wrong for D. tricinctus, venustus and pinastri, and the white lines on the thorax would pretty much clinch it if it was in Britain. However, I don't know if you have any other species in Switzerland that might look similar.

Posted by brigitteu on 20-08-2011 21:48

Could not found other Dasysyrphus in checklist for switzerland which look similar. It is a new species (pretty species) for me.

Thanks a lot!