Thread subject: :: Stratiomyidae?

Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 21:25


Yesterday, in my garden (Netherlands east), app. 13 degr C. App. 18-20 mm. Abdomen uniformly metallic blue green.
I thought some Syrphid, but key gives Stratiomyidae.
Any help please?


Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 21:27


Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-10-2006 21:28

I'd say Sargus cuprarius. A very, very late one. The last that Brugge mentioned in his key to the Dutch species (Brugge, 2002) was from 6 October...

Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 31-10-2006 21:36

Andre Jas wrote:

Sargus sp. - Stratiomyidae by sure. I recognized the wing venation. :)

Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 21:37

Talking about global warming...:(

Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 22:38

Hi Paul and Jorge,

Nice find, this late in the year! Thanks for ID :p

Andr? Jas