Thread subject: :: Nematocera with reduced wings

Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 17:24


Is this a female Trichocera?


Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-10-2006 19:14

Trichocerid ovipositors usually curve ventrally, so I'm pretty sure this is one of the short-winged tipulids, perhaps Tipula grisescens. Can you tell us what length it was?

Posted by Andre Jas on 31-10-2006 20:42

Hi Tony,

Sorry, app. 18 mm. Later I saw a couple (no camera at hand) copulating. Male same size with full grown wings.


Posted by Tony Irwin on 31-10-2006 22:17

It's typical of the males to be fully winged - only the females have reduced wings. I think a more likely species is Tipula autumnalis - this flies (or walks in this case!:)) until October. (T. grisescens is normally a spring species.)