Thread subject: :: Rhinophoridae - Phyto melanocephala

Posted by Frank Koehler on 29-10-2006 21:20

My last fly - another Ta...?
Thanks for all comments

Germany / NRW: Swisttal-Heimertzheim, IX.2003

two more low quality shots:

Edited by Frank Koehler on 31-10-2006 01:52

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-10-2006 21:33

Ta... or Rhi...:D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-10-2006 09:51

In that case it is Ta... :P

Posted by Zeegers on 30-10-2006 10:30

Not, it isn't

(yes, it is... no, ..., or is Monty Python forbidden here ?)

It's Phyto melanocephala, and therefore, it's a Rhinophoridae.
The shape of the calyptra will confirm this.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by ChrisR on 30-10-2006 11:24

It's hard to say why it isn't a tachinid but I like to prove it by elimination: it's got a petiole but it doesn't like like any of the tachinids with a petiole ... so it must be a rhinophorid :D

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-10-2006 12:45

Hehe, I thought the calypter was broad...

Posted by Frank Koehler on 30-10-2006 20:05

Th... y.. v... m... for all comments ;),
especially Theo for the final id.
Best regards Frank