Thread subject: :: minute Sciomyzidae - Pteromicra ?

Posted by Louis Boumans on 29-10-2006 20:51

Today 29 Oct I found iin Soest (NL) a minute fly, which I think is Sciomyzid, possibly Pteromicra.

2 mm long
abdomen shining black, rest also black
2 facial setae
anal vein very short, almost absent

It doesn't really match any of the descriptions in the Dutch key of Revier & Van der Goot, however.
Who can help? Louis

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-10-2006 21:26

No Louis, there is no costal break in Sciomyzidae.
I think it is Tony's department - Ephydridae.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 29-10-2006 22:31

Yes, it is an ephydrid - Limnellia quadrata. The wing pattern is characteristic, with a series of marks (the number varies) in the subcostal cell, and two darker spots attached to R4&5

Posted by Louis Boumans on 30-10-2006 01:16

Ah! Now I that took another look at it .. I see it does have that Ephydridae bristle on the antenna! :o
Clearly a case of tunnel vision: the wing pattern seemed so sciomyzid to me !
Nikita and Tony: thanks!