Thread subject: :: Hilara albiventris

Posted by conopid on 29-10-2006 15:14

Sorry no photo for this one. My camera is being repaired after I dropped it!

I have a male Hilara specimen, collected in the UK. It has slender front tarsi, so it is one of the small group of Hilara spp that does not have dilate front tarsi. I suspect that it is Hilara albiventris, after using Collin - 1961 to identify it. However, it appears to be too large at 4.5mm length, rather than about 3mm, and its eyes are well separated on the frons, rather than narrowly separated. The first three abdominal segments are very light white-yellow in colour, rather than the first five segments being this colour.

With Colllin's book, I cannot find any other species it could be. Can anyone comment, is this likely to be Hilara albiventris or something completely different?

I am confident that the specimen is Hilara, the wing venation where the postical vein meets the basal vein of the anal cell is a small angle. Also it has the typical Hilara antenna.

Confused and wish I could post a photo! :(