Thread subject: :: Sochi28. Heteromyza atricornis?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 28-10-2006 23:45

Sochi region, 28 okt, 5-5,5mm, forest

Posted by Andrzej on 29-10-2006 15:35

Yes, it is !.
Andrzej ;)

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 29-10-2006 18:47

Thank you Andrzej, your lessons help;)
And to discation about Heleomyzidae key. Gorodkov's key isn't the best possible and very old indeed, but even such key is much better than no key at all.
But Andrzej, why don't you write yours?

Posted by Kahis on 29-10-2006 19:12

We non-specialists could really, really use a better key to European Heleomyzidae, especially females. Gorodkov's key is pretty useful for Suillia (although it misses some rare species), but females of other genera are quite hopeless - and females are much easier to find than males :(