Thread subject: :: Tachinidae - Billaea triangulifera

Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 08:22

part II, two observations - same species? - but which one?

Austria / Tirol: Nauders, Martawald, 1100m, VII.2006

and another specimen VIII.2005:

Edited by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 15:46

Posted by Robert Nash on 27-10-2006 09:51

Polietes lardarius? But it's early morning here:o. I'll try for another look later. Robert

Edited by Robert Nash on 27-10-2006 10:11

Posted by Zeegers on 27-10-2006 10:38

Hi Robert,

you got fooled. Look at the wing venation.
It a Tachinid, agreed, rather atypical, from the subfamily Dexiinae, tribe Dexiini.
These are (I'm so sorry, Frank) parasitoids of Coleoptera, in this case Cerambycidae. The species is Billaea triangulifera, as well illustrated by this pictures (triangular spots on tergite).
Definitely not common.
My guess from experience in Estonia: parasitic in Monochamus larvae.
But this is just a long shot.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 15:56

Thank you very much, Theo!
Dishonor over this fly - coleopterologists don?t like beetle eating birds and now this fly should be added to our black list ;)
Monochamus sutor is very common in the Picea forests - photo of a female attached.
Best regards