Thread subject: :: Muscidae - Graphomya maculata

Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 08:19

... same location again, late summer ... Tachinidae?

Germany / NRW: Bornheim, IX.2006

Edited by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 21:35

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 27-10-2006 08:24


Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 08:26

hmm, tell me more ;)

Posted by Kahis on 27-10-2006 12:10

Muscinae ;)

Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 16:08

... and then? ;)

Unfortunally I have no better views, but the hairs on the abdomen are reddish ...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-10-2006 16:22

Long shot: Muscina?

Posted by Robert Nash on 27-10-2006 17:49

Short shot: Male of Graphomya maculata (females on your recent related threads) sexually dimorphic (in respect of abdomen colour) species.
We must examine all Muscidae pictures with expert help. I'll ask around and then we can go back through the threads...The Muscidae have been a problem since Robineau-Desvoidy's first brave attempts (see Dipterists Glossary).All characters other than chaetotaxy being unreliable for taxa ranked above species. Robert

Edited by Robert Nash on 27-10-2006 18:12

Posted by Frank Koehler on 27-10-2006 21:34

Thank you very much, Robert. Comparing with other photos I?m shure that?s the right conclusion. Greetings Frank