Thread subject: :: fly from Central Poland
Posted by cortinarius on 14-06-2005 19:23
I'm amateur in insects. Please help me to know what is it.
I have an idea. Is it Thereva nobilitata.
Edited by cortinarius on 14-06-2005 21:28
Posted by Kahis on 15-06-2005 17:41
While we are waiting for the Therevid professionals to drop by, I'd hazard a guess. It could well be
Thereva fulva.
Thereva nobilitata is usually darker and has slightly infuscated wings. Both species have pale halteres (an unusual character in
Thereva). The habitat may also help:
fulva strongly prefers sandy habitats,
nobilitata accept many other open habitats.
Posted by cortinarius on 15-06-2005 20:46
It could be T. fulva.
I came across it in the garden not far from (0,5 km) a sandy bank of the river.
Posted by Zeegers on 18-06-2005 20:57
Dzien dobry, Cortinarius
But then again, it might be Thereva handlirschi.
Consult the keys and look for:
Number of dorsocentral bristles on thorax (either 1 or 2)
presence or absence of dark margins on the tergites.
If they are absent, it must be fulva.
Handlirschi, on the other hand, is a forest species, also found in parks.
It is a late species: end July - September.
So if the picture is recent, you can forget about all this.
You might consult Trojan's key in Fauna Polski
Ladna fotografia !
Theo Zeegers
Posted by cortinarius on 19-06-2005 20:35
Goedemiddag, Theo
So, that is decisively T. fulva. The forest is quite far from a place, where I took the picture. I found that species 12 June.
Thank you!