Thread subject: :: Eupeodes (?) Hungary

Posted by eguzki on 26-10-2006 17:43

Found on the flowers yesterday afternoon. Much appreciate for any idea.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 26-10-2006 20:51

Yes, a male of Eupeodes luniger!

Posted by eguzki on 26-10-2006 21:02

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Yes, a male of Eupeodes luniger!

Hi Gerard!

I am a little bit confused. In a hungarian forum someone told me this fly is a Metasyrphus corollae. One of the two term is probably incorrect. I guess it is a very similar sp. What is your opinion?

Posted by Xespok on 26-10-2006 21:19

M. corollae is now E. corollae. E. luniger is a different species. I do not know how to separate them. I beleive Gerard is right, because he is an expert of Syrphidae. (Syrphidae is nowhere near as easy as one would think!)