Thread subject: :: Acalypterate ?

Posted by conopid on 14-07-2011 17:17

This fly is very distinctive with its fat abdomen. About 5mm length, swept from riverside, 14 July. It has no post verticals (that is verticals directly behind the ocellar). It has a pair of crossed innner frontals just in front of the ocelli (if inner frontals is what these bristles would be?)
I can't even decide for sure if it is acalypterate!!

Keying it, I reach Piophilidae, which does not seem right.

What family is this fly?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-07-2011 17:32

Hi Nigel
This is actually an anthomyiid - Myopina myopina. Nice one to get!

Posted by conopid on 14-07-2011 18:51

Blimey - it does not look anything like the usual Anthomyiidae and threw me completely! Thanks for that Tony.
Is it a riverside species do you know?

Posted by Tony Irwin on 14-07-2011 19:04

Yes, I've taken it by rivers and by lakes - not sure that the larval stages are known. Mike Ackland would be pleased to get the record.

Posted by conopid on 14-07-2011 23:28

Thanks Tony. I'll send details to Mike.