Thread subject: :: Phaonia pallida

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-10-2006 17:22

Here in it is often question: "who is it Ph. pallida or Thricops diaphanus?"
Ph. pallida, Sochi region, forest

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-10-2006 17:29

Sochi region, same forest.
Bad image, but siutable to compare. Thricops diaphanus (2mm bigger than Ph. pallida).

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-10-2006 20:51

I've just found that I need images to compare myself. I wrote today that I haven't good image of Th. diaphanus. I have, but two hours ago I thought that it is image of Phaonia.
Chrestomatical difference - hairs on cx3 is, of course, always invisible on photo.
Three visible differences I found is:
1. Ph. pallida - arista yelloy and long plumose, Thricops - arista black and very short plumose.
2. Phaonia 2 stong presutural ac, Thricops - 3 week hair-like.
3. Ph.- forehead and back of head - yellow-white, Th. - grey-black

Posted by Tony Irwin on 26-10-2006 00:07

Thanks for the pair of photos and analysis, Nikita - I think that's going to be very useful for future queries!

Posted by Andre Jas on 26-10-2006 00:13

I don't want to nag, but this is exactly what I meant in my thread http://www.dipter...ad_id=3862. If we could somehow collect threads like this, we're slowly building a database;)

Andr? Jas

Posted by Gordon on 13-11-2008 20:09

Hi Nikita,
In using this thread to determine my Phaonia pallida I found the following, shown in photo, if I have not made a mistake, the Acrostichals are the same though not shown, the fly on the right is a female Ph.pallida and the one on the left is a male. I checked a number of specimens and they all complied with this, in that the male is dark behind the head. The antennae are shown to be plumose in both flies, even if my photography is a little wonky.

Of course if neither is Ph. pallida I can only apollogise:)


Edited by Gordon on 13-11-2008 20:11