Thread subject: :: anonymous species

Posted by zhengxialin on 07-07-2011 09:59

The species collected from Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China.

Posted by socrates on 07-07-2011 11:24

looks like a syrphid fly.

Posted by Grigory Popov on 07-07-2011 14:57

Graptomyza sp.

Posted by zhengxialin on 07-07-2011 15:38

Thanks for yours advices. Only Graptomyza breverostris and Graptomyza mgripes were recorded in that region where I collected this species.

Edited by zhengxialin on 07-07-2011 16:14

Posted by zhengxialin on 08-07-2011 03:25

I think it is the Graptomyza brevirostris.