Thread subject: :: Athericidae (or Rhagionidae?) - two in one

Posted by Isidro on 04-07-2011 17:27

I've just found two different athericid/rhagionid in the same shrub! They was consecutive photos!

2nd July 2011.
Arnes, Castellon, east Spain. Mediterranean montane forest (dense Pinus halepensis qith some Quercus ilex, Arbutus unedo, Pistacia lentiscus and terebinthus, Smilax aspera, etc). Over the water of a crystalline river, in a strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo) in shady zone.


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 17:37

Both are Athericidae.

First is Ibisia marginata.

For second I do not see R4 vein well - it is out of focus! But it seems follow a path non-sinusoidal . It can be an Atrichops. Different sex compring ones with the Andrade. I would say Atrichops (yours a female). It fits well: broadly darkened tip and smaller areas infuscated in the wing; alternate band of yellow/black in abdomen; R4 vein seems to follow a non-sinusoidal path (in this case it NEVER could be an Ibisia or Atherix)

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 18:11

Posted by Isidro on 04-07-2011 19:20

Muito obrigado amigo!
Probably the venation is better seen here!

And abusing of your knowlegde, can you tell me something on this Athericidae posted here long time ago and without name yet?


Posted by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 19:39

The two last are Ibisia marginata (photos are rather dark).

I'm pretty sure your photo - shows a female of Atrichops crassipes. R4 is gradually arched, so never could be neither Atherix or Ibisia. See the other reasons forementioned for this ID. Yours is a female, and the Andrade's Atrichops is a male.
Larvae of this species are quite sensitive to water pollution. They need very well oxygenated and crystalline waters.

Edited by jorgemotalmeida on 04-07-2011 19:46