Thread subject: :: Three Phasia?

Posted by lynkos on 24-10-2006 19:01

Here I am with some photos taken by friends which we collectively think may be species of Phasia. Can anyone confirm this and possibly get to species level?

The first three photos are of the same fly, taken by Marcello Romano a week or so ago in a wood in Sicily. Phasia hemiptera?,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg_2006102222723_Ectophasia%20sp.,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg_200610222283_Ectophasia%20sp.3,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg_2006102222821_Ectophasia%20sp.4,%20Mistretta,%2022%20ottobre%202006.jpg

Posted by lynkos on 24-10-2006 19:06

This was taken by Marco Paolucci in central Italy.

Posted by lynkos on 24-10-2006 19:07

Ooops, I'll try again...

Posted by lynkos on 24-10-2006 19:09

And here's the last, again taken by Marco Paolucci in central Italy.

Thanks, Sarah.

Posted by Zeegers on 24-10-2006 19:32

Hi Sarah,

only the last one is a real Phasia, the other ones are Ectophasia.
Difference is easy to see:
Topcell open -> Ectophasia
Topcell stalked -> Phasia

The last one is a male of Phasia aurigera, a beauty with a very distinctive spot on the thorax.

The other ones are most likely all E. crassipennis (some very sure, some highly probable).

Theo Zeegers

Posted by lynkos on 25-10-2006 05:42

Thought I'd answered you last night Theo, but as I can't see my answer anywhere (perhaps I answered something quite different by mistake :(), I'll try again. If I remember rightly, it went something like... the legendary Theo strikes again!!! Thanks, Sarah.

Posted by Zeegers on 25-10-2006 20:21

Well, with the great pictures of these real beauties, it is really not that difficult.
Hope you got the stalked topcell part, for next time


Posted by lynkos on 25-10-2006 20:53

I hope so too :o!