Thread subject: :: Sochi24. Clusiidae

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 24-10-2006 17:36

On stone near big tree, 24 okt, 4,5mm, not collected:(, only this bad image.
Any idea?

Posted by Kahis on 24-10-2006 18:27

Clusiodes. (Clusiidae)

Posted by Andrzej on 24-10-2006 18:41

maybe verticalis ,

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 25-10-2006 08:02

Thank you Kahis and Andrzej.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 30-10-2006 01:33

Today morning, having a free hour before flight, I came back to platane-tree and found again this Clusiidae. This time collected.
After a long search I did find traces of broken presutural dc.
But poc well developed, so not C. verticalis.
It seems that 3 or (all broken too:@)
Clusiodes albimanus?