Thread subject: :: Sarcophagidae ?

Posted by Stephen on 24-10-2006 12:38

This fly was resting on some corn leaves. Sarcophagidae? I had also thought of Tachinidae.

Length 13 mm. Open area near woodlands, West Virginia, USA, 3 September 2006.

Posted by Stephen on 24-10-2006 12:39

View of the eyes and antennae.

Posted by Robert Nash on 24-10-2006 14:59

Yep Sarcophagidae. Take a look at http://www.zmuc.d...rc_web.htm:p:p
Thomas Pape's website. Thomas is very helpful I'm sure he'll be pleased to see this excellent image and give you an id.Please post it if he does;). Slainte (Cheers) Robert

Posted by Stephen on 24-10-2006 16:00

Thanks, Robert! I had run into Thomas Pape on BugGuide where he was a big help ID'ing a couple of my fly photos. Maybe he will be able to shed further light on this one. I hadn't known about his site?it looks great!

Go raibh maith agat, Robert (thank-you).

Posted by Stephen on 30-10-2006 01:01

At Robert's suggestion I asked Thomas Pape if he would share his expertise, and he did. Thomas stated that the three black stripes on the thorax almost always mean subfamily Sarcophaginae. He added, "Genus is either Sarcophaga or Boettcheria."

Thank-you Thomas and thank-you Robert!