Thread subject: :: Eristalis similis? Norway

Posted by Leif G on 28-06-2011 19:38

Photographed South west Norway, June 25th.
Could someone confirm or correct my ID (Eristalis pseudorupium) please?
The date of flying would maybe suggest this species?


Edited by Leif G on 29-06-2011 14:51

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 28-06-2011 21:36

I'd say Eristalis similis.

Posted by Leif G on 28-06-2011 22:45

I didn't dare to consider similis.
This is an extremely rare species in Norway. I think not more than two or three records the last ten years.
Could you please write a few words why this could be similis?


Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 30-06-2011 21:43

The long pterostigma is a character of this species, and it seems rather long on your specimen. Also the rather dark abdomen and overall appearance match E. similis, but I wouldn't make a definite ID from this only picture.

Posted by Leif G on 30-06-2011 22:00

Thanks for this information Stephane!
We have a couple of specialists in Norway. I might ask them also. If I do so and get a reply, I'll publish the result here.
I hope you are right, it would be an excellent find.
