Thread subject: :: Autumn Tachinid

Posted by Juergen Peters on 24-10-2006 03:43


These pictures of a 10-12 mm Tachinid I took two days ago near a forest in Ostwestfalen/Germany. Is it possible to tell the genus? Thanks in advance!

Posted by Juergen Peters on 24-10-2006 03:44

Second pic.

Posted by ChrisR on 24-10-2006 10:59

Hi Jurgen - it looks a bit anonymous to me - I can't see anything peculiar about it that would point to a particular genus. Then trying to key it it appears to have hairy eyes and no protruding mouth edge but that's where I loose it because then I have to see if the apical scutellar bristles are crossed or diverging - and your photo isn't clear enough :( It might be something like Epicampocera succincta, from the general black colour etc - but I wouldn't like to put my name to that identification ;) Was it showing an unhealthy interest in the larvae or foodplant of pierid larvae? :)

Posted by Zeegers on 24-10-2006 19:41

Given the pictures and circumstances, Epicampocera would be my suggestion as well.
However, I follow Chris in 'not sure'.


Posted by Juergen Peters on 25-10-2006 00:20

Hello, Chris and Theo!

Chris Raper wrote:
enough :( It might be something like Epicampocera succincta, from the general black colour etc - but I wouldn't like to put my name to that identification ;) Was it showing an unhealthy interest in the larvae or foodplant of pierid larvae? :)

Thanks for your comments. The fly was running on leaves in low vegetation on a meadow near a forest. There were many Pierids until beginning of October there, but I did not see any larvae nearby.
I had possible Epicampocera succincta here earlier in the year, but those seemed to me more blueish and a little bit smaller.

Edited by Juergen Peters on 25-10-2006 01:34