Thread subject: :: Phryxe vulgaris (probably)

Posted by Andre Jas on 23-10-2006 20:13

Good evening,

Looking at the hairs on the eyes, I believe it's Aplomya confinis. Is it?Unfortunately :o just this one pic.

Andr? Jas

Edited by Andre Jas on 27-10-2006 23:30

Posted by ChrisR on 24-10-2006 00:59

It looks superficially similar but I just don't think it is Aplomya ... but I can't see enough to say what it might be. Did you take a specimen? :)

Posted by Andre Jas on 24-10-2006 09:39

Hi Chris,

I know these aren't the details you'd like to see, but maybe they help anyway. I just take pictures, I don't take specimen.
What other candidate(s) might there be for this fellow?

Andr? Jas

Posted by Andre Jas on 24-10-2006 09:40


Posted by ChrisR on 24-10-2006 10:50

Well, I think I can see median discal bristles on tergite 3, which would tend to rule out Aplomya, but wouldn't rule out the very common genus Phryxe. But I can't see the apical scutellar bristles clearly or the front of the face or the palps, so it's a little bit tricky :)

Posted by Andre Jas on 24-10-2006 11:17

Hi Chris,
Well, it was one of my first tries with my new camera and I just started photographing flies, so I just took the one shot. Nowadays I try to shoot it from all sides. So for this one I'll stick to Tachinidae sp.
Thank you very much for trying the impossible :)
Andr? Jas

Posted by Zeegers on 24-10-2006 19:48

My guess is, the apical scutellar are so difficult to see, because they are upright.
Implying, for non-Tachinids, that I follow Chris' sugestion: Phryxe.
Most likely candidate, in my mind: Ph. vulgaris. Very common.

Theo Zeegers

Posted by Andre Jas on 24-10-2006 20:12

Okay, thanks Theo, very helpfull tip. I don't mind it's common, because they're all just as dear to me:)

Andr? Jas

Posted by Zeegers on 24-10-2006 21:55

You're quite right about the common-part.
I mentioned it, because it is part of the argument in this circumstancial ID. I cannot rule out Ph. erythrostoma, but that species is definitely not common, so quite unlikely here.


Posted by Andre Jas on 24-10-2006 21:58

I knew what you meant Theo ;)


Andr? Jas