Thread subject: :: French Guianan syrphid #3

Posted by ChrisR on 22-06-2011 22:51

This is one of a series of photos sent to me by Stéphane Brule today - mostly taken during walks around his home. Could anyone suggest a name? :)

Posted by Sara21392 on 22-06-2011 23:12

Wow, very strange, is it really?? Very hyaline and so nice!! :)

Posted by ChrisR on 22-06-2011 23:15

It reminds me of a few syrphid genera that we get here and it has the vena-spuria so it should really be Syrphidae ... but it is really rather beautiful :)

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 22-06-2011 23:45

A female Ocyptamus sp. would be my idea about this one, nice color!

Posted by ChrisR on 22-06-2011 23:53

Thanks ... yes Stéphane's flash seems to have brought out the colours really well :)

Posted by Menno Reemer on 26-06-2011 21:08

Ocyptamus johnsoni (Curran). I know it from Surinam, where it is not uncommon.

Posted by ChrisR on 26-06-2011 21:50

Thanks Menno - much appreciated :)