Thread subject: :: Stomorhina lunata?

Posted by eguzki on 23-10-2006 19:49

Found in my garden in the recent days.

Posted by Xespok on 23-10-2006 20:00

Yes, this fly has become quite common in Hungary in recent decades and can be quite regularly observed. Global warming?

Edited by Xespok on 23-10-2006 21:42

Posted by eguzki on 23-10-2006 20:55

Xespok wrote:
Yes, this fly has become quite common in recent decades and can be quite regularly observed. Global warming?

Hello xespok!

I have seen an interesting documentary film yesterday evening. It introduced an american farmer in Maryland who has been gathering for years all insects and butterflies as many as he can from his estate. His occupation resulted several new species which had occured only at the Neotropic ecozone so far. According to the scientist this fact also shows the aftermath of the global warming.