Thread subject: :: French Guiana Syrphid

Posted by Stephen on 22-06-2011 11:46

Such a pretty fly. Two different individuals, but I think the same species. Montagne de Kaw, French Guiana, 31 May 2011. Visiting a flowering shrub, open area, near forest.

Posted by Stephen on 22-06-2011 11:47

Second fly, same species I think.

Posted by ChrisR on 22-06-2011 11:57

Looks vaguely familiar - I'm sure I sent Menno Reemer something like that before so let's wait for him ;)

Posted by Paul Beuk on 22-06-2011 12:15

Palpada sp. Is it perhaps albifrons?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 22-06-2011 23:51

Palpada yes, albifrons I'm not sure. There are many species over there....

Posted by Menno Reemer on 26-06-2011 21:15

Several possibilities, but albifrons is not one of them. Hard to tell from pictures alone...