Thread subject: :: Sochi22. Rhaphium gravipes?

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 22-10-2006 15:20

Russia, Sochi region, 4-4,5mm, small pond

Posted by Kahis on 22-10-2006 20:29

Syntormon pallipes

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-10-2006 07:05

Another illustration of mistakes as a result pre-narrow mind. Looking at the fly in exgauster I decided that it is Rhaphium...
Thank you Kahis.

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 23-10-2006 07:06

Syntormon pallipes (Fabricius, 1794) [Musca] (Schiner, 1862: Faun. austr. 1: 192)
forma pallipes Fabricius, 1794: Ent. syst. 4: 340
[nec pseudospicatus Strobl, 1899: Wien. ent. Ztg. 18: 126]
Very common species in the Russian Caucasus.

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 23-10-2006 07:11

Thank you Igor.