Thread subject: :: Muscoidea USA 2008-VIII-22 (= Eustalomyia)

Posted by John Carr on 13-06-2011 01:24

I got a possible ID as Fanniidae. My thought was Anthomyiidae.

Western Massachusetts, USA, August 22 2008. Near water. It landed on my backpack, which must have had some pollen on it.

Larger size of above image available on Flickr.

Edited by John Carr on 13-06-2011 13:15

Posted by Stephen R on 13-06-2011 01:33

I'm sure this isn't Fanniidae. I think your first thought was probably right.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 13-06-2011 11:41

Eustalomyia sp.

Posted by John Carr on 07-07-2011 02:08

This should be Eustalomyia histrio (Zetterstedt) or E. festiva (Zetterstedt), the only two black-legged North American species. Can you tell which? According to the key in Huckett 1965 (Muscidae of Northern Canada...) festiva has preapical ad on hind tibia "longer and more robust than preapical pd" with the reverse for histrio. If I identify the bristles correctly they seem to be the same size. The other character is hairs of arista longer (festiva) or shorter (histrio) than basal diameter. I can't tell in the full size picture; they might be longer.

I'm attaching another angle on the hind tibia.