Thread subject: :: Agromyzidae id ?

Posted by BubikolRamios on 08-06-2011 14:51

body a bit more than 2 mm.
Hangs in the air with greater persistence then syriphidae.
Have it temporary stored, so more detailed photos can be done.

EDIT: it does resembles a lot Thaumatomyia cf. glabra, but pretty sure that that one is biigger, at least 4 mm:

Edited by BubikolRamios on 08-06-2011 14:56

Posted by Sara21392 on 08-06-2011 15:12

Chloropidae, Chloropinae, Thaumatomyia notata :)

Posted by BubikolRamios on 08-06-2011 15:35
