Thread subject: :: Calliphoridae - Lucilia sp., Tachinidae - Gymnocheta viridis

Posted by Frank Koehler on 21-10-2006 18:09

... the next common species - three different specimen - photos taken in our garden - all Lucilia sp. (I know: id by photo impossible) ? Thanks in advance Frank

#3585 Germmany / NRW: Bornheim, VI.2003

#9279 same location, VII.2006

#5451 same location, IV.2006

Edited by Frank Koehler on 31-10-2006 02:00

Posted by Xespok on 21-10-2006 19:43

Third one is a little bit suspicious. Could be Gymnochaeta viridis in Tachinidae, but I have been wrong too many times.

Posted by Tony Irwin on 21-10-2006 20:39

I'd agree. The first two are Lucilia, the third Gymnocheta male (note correct spelling). There is a possibilty this is Gymnocheta magna - the clypeus looks to be protruding forward. But Tachinidae is not my family - Theo should be able to say which species.

Posted by Frank Koehler on 21-10-2006 20:49

Thank you very much Gabor & Tony!
Nice to hear, that there is a chance to hear one shure name :-)
Best regards

Edited by Frank Koehler on 21-10-2006 21:10

Posted by Zeegers on 22-10-2006 09:45

This looks like Gymnochaeta viridis, but I cannot be 100 % sure.
G. magna is very very rare in western Europe.

NB: I am quite aware of the matter of spelling. In my opinion, the consequences of the code are absurt, so I follow Herting's line in correcting Rondani's Italian to real latin.

Let's say it's a matter of taste


Posted by Tony Irwin on 22-10-2006 13:00

Perhaps I shouldn't use the term correct spelling - better to say "currently accepted by Fauna Europaea and British check-lists" spelling. ;) (Saves time when looking things up!)
Some consequences of the code may be absurd, but the whole point of the code is that we have one set of rules to follow, whether we agree with them or not. [If anyone wants to continue this discussion, perhaps we should start a new thread, rather than hijack Frank's.]

Posted by Frank Koehler on 22-10-2006 15:39

Thanks all again! Thank you very much Theo. I?ll follow your id. Unfortunately I couldn?t collect the specimen - was to fast - only two dorsal shots. Best regards Frank