Thread subject: :: Rhagionidae, Rhagio annulatus (Norway)

Posted by Geir79 on 02-06-2011 16:39

Can this be confirmed as Rhagio annulatus? Got to this species with a key for genus Rhagio. Size is close to 10 mm, photos from 02.06.2011, Bodø, northern Norway.

Edited by Geir79 on 09-08-2011 02:10

Posted by Geir79 on 02-06-2011 16:40


Posted by Geir79 on 02-06-2011 16:41

Key mentioned something about long hairs on first sternites of males (for Rhagio annulatus), but not sure if it's male or female...

Posted by Zeegers on 02-06-2011 21:52

This is a male.

The stigma is very light, as in annulatus.
It can't be tringarius, given time of year.

But still, annulatus has the abdomen annulate, nomen est omen...


Posted by Geir79 on 04-06-2011 00:10

Have another photo of the same species, easier to se abdomen on this photo? Looks similar to photo of R. annulatus from the key I used...

Annulate means that it should have ringformed markings on abdomen?

Posted by Mark van Veen on 08-08-2011 15:36

Pterostigma yellow, coxa 1 greyish and humerus greyish: this must be R. annulata.

Posted by Geir79 on 09-08-2011 02:10

Thank you for confirming.