Thread subject: :: Psilidae - Chyliza vittata. Hungary

Posted by eurythyrea on 29-05-2011 23:47

Hello to everybody!

I really do not know the family of this 7mm long fly. Picture were taken today, the fly was sitting on an orchid's stem in a mixed oak forest.

I will be glad if anyone could help me. Thank you!

Edited by eurythyrea on 30-05-2011 23:09

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 30-05-2011 09:46

Psilidae. I think it is Chyliza vittata (with non stripped thorax).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-05-2011 12:22

Would be interesting to see if this unstriped version is actually the same species as the striped version, because so dfar the only unstriped versions I have seen were from Central Europe. Does anyone else have info on striped and unstriped Chyliza vittata?

Posted by eurythyrea on 30-05-2011 19:30

Thank you Stephane, I forgot to turn on the "notify me in email when a reply..." and today went to the NatHistMus of Budapest. With luck I met L. Papp and showed him the pictures. He told me the same species, Chyliza vittata, then we saw an old literature (Árpád Soós I think), there he wrote "larva develops in stems of Orchis spp." So it was not an accident that I found it on a newly sprout Epipactis!
Paul, L. Papp told me if he was a Psilidist, would be study deeper this genus, because it could be uncleared.

Posted by Stephane Lebrun on 30-05-2011 19:37

Thanks for the feedback.

Posted by oceanlis2000 on 31-05-2011 16:21

Great Photos!

Do you know which orchid species this is?

Posted by eurythyrea on 01-06-2011 07:19

oceanlis2000 wrote:
Great Photos!

Do you know which orchid species this is?

Thanks! Yes, This is an Epipactis purpurata.