Thread subject: :: Tyrolean flies: Loxocera (Psilidae)

Posted by Sundew on 27-05-2011 16:53

This fly I saw in Austria, Tyrol, Ellmau (820 m) in August 2009. The antennae recall some Lauxanias, but the body shape doesn't. Therefore I need help!
Thanks, Sundew

Edited by Sundew on 27-05-2011 23:25

Posted by Paul Beuk on 27-05-2011 16:56

Psilidae: Loxocera, maybe aristata?

Posted by Sundew on 27-05-2011 23:24

Fine - a genus new to me! And a difficult one, as it seems, but L. cf. aristata can't be too wrong. Many thanks indeed!