Thread subject: :: Merodon ?

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 22-05-2011 17:50

the attached single picture was photographed in Bulgaria, Nature Park Zlatni Piassatzi, near Black Sea coast in the beginning of September 2008. I stored it together with the M. equestris, but legs and eyes look in my opinion different. Could it be a Merodon aeneus? Is species ID possible?
Thank you, Marion

Posted by SantosRojo on 22-03-2012 14:06

Hi Marion
I am now with Ante Vujic , specialist on Merodon taxonomy. He identify the species as Merodon ambiguus Bardescu 1986.
It is not 100% secure because more details of abdomen are necessary.
If you conserve the specimen could send another photo of the abdomen and legs.

Posted by Marion Friedrich on 26-03-2012 22:45

Hi Santos,
many thanks to you and Ante Vujic for ID. I will store the image as Merodon cf. ambiguus. Unfortunately I cannot provide further pictures because it was not collected and photographed from a long distance. It is the only picture and also full resolution.
Best wishes, Marion