Thread subject: :: Dolichopodidae > Syntormon pallipes

Posted by valter on 02-05-2011 15:54

Location: Algarve, Portugal
Date: May 2011


Edited by valter on 16-05-2011 09:51

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 02-05-2011 16:15

Syntormon (?)

Posted by valter on 16-05-2011 00:11

I think it's the same fly:

the above photo was taken on 02/05/2011 13:39:42

the below photo was taken on 02/05/2011 13:40:40

Edited by valter on 16-05-2011 00:15

Posted by Igor Grichanov on 16-05-2011 08:31

Syntormon pallipes (Fabricius, 1794)

Posted by valter on 16-05-2011 09:52

Thanks for the identification :)