Thread subject: :: Chalcosyrphus? (Myolepta obscura)

Posted by christoophe on 01-05-2011 09:10


it lacks the dark bands on the mesonotum.
The first tergite is lead color.
I think Chalcosyrphus eunotus.
lauriaut : France : Lourmarin : 84 : 25/04/2011
Altitude : 250 - Taille : 9-10 mm
Réf. : 69143
lauriaut : France : Lourmarin : 84 : 25/04/2011
Altitude : 250 - Taille : 9-10 mm
Réf. : 69144
lauriaut : France : Lourmarin : 84 : 25/04/2011
Altitude : 250 - Taille : 9-10 mm
Réf. : 69145

Edited by christoophe on 19-09-2011 19:13

Posted by Menno Reemer on 01-05-2011 13:33

It's a Myolepta. Consider, for instance, vein R4+5 and M1: they join almost at the wing margin. It seems to be M. obscura, because of the quite long hairs on mesoscutum and scutellum. In order to be sure, check the metasternum (small sclerites between mid and hindlegs): if it's bare, it's M. vara. If it's pilose (hairy), then it's M. obscura. For more characters see PDF at:

Posted by Andre on 01-05-2011 15:32

And if you found out which one it is, these pics are great for the Syrphidae gallery!

Posted by christoophe on 01-05-2011 17:40

Metasternum is bare, so Myolepta vara.
Thank you Menno.

I don't forget the gallery, Andre.

Posted by christoophe on 19-09-2011 19:12

It's Myolepta obscura.
I checked with the key given by Menno.
There is an inversion of the criterion metasternum mentioned above by Menno, it is bare for obscura, and hairy for vara.
We must change the gallery also.