Thread subject: :: 6mm syrphid, a tough one!

Posted by blowave on 19-04-2011 21:41


This is one I can't figure out. It was quite small, about 6mm. It was hovering above my head on 17th April in my garden near Lincoln UK.

It behaved very much like an Eristalis hovering, and it came close to check me out. It would land on a Laurel leaf above my head, in the evening sun. It did the same again several times, lots of hovering with a short rest on the leaf.

I could see through the lens that the abdomen was very noticably curved downwards, I tried to get a side view whilst on the leaf but failed in the difficult circumstances! I managed to get three reasonable shots, the fore tarsi are yellow so hoping this will be a clue and that someone will recognise it. I had thought maybe Cheilosia but I'm not at all sure of anything.

Janet :)

Posted by blowave on 19-04-2011 21:42

pic 2

Posted by blowave on 19-04-2011 21:43

pic 3

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 19-04-2011 22:53

Male Pipiza luteitarsis.......:D

Posted by blowave on 20-04-2011 15:42

Gerard Pennards wrote:
Male Pipiza luteitarsis.......:D

Thanks for the suggestion Gerard. However, isn't the tarsi on leg 2 supposed to be mostly yellow, and all of tarsi 1 yellow? This is too small I think as well for P. luteitarsis surely, that is said to be at least 8mm and this was definitely not that big.