Thread subject: :: Scatopsidae (which)?

Posted by Andre Jas on 11-10-2006 15:49

Hi forummembers,

I know it's Scatopsidae. But which one?


Posted by Andre Jas on 11-10-2006 15:50


Posted by Paul Beuk on 11-10-2006 19:52

I will have to check, but I think it might be Apiloscatopse.

Posted by Andre Jas on 16-10-2006 16:08

Hi Paul,

Did you by any chance have the opportunity to chick if it is indeed a Apiloscatopse species? Don't mind if you didn't, off course!


Posted by Paul Beuk on 16-10-2006 16:23

I would have to see a specimen to confirm that. ;)

Posted by Andre Jas on 16-10-2006 16:29

Hi Paul,

Unfortunaltely that's impossible, so I'll stick to Scatopsidae sp.

Thank you,