Thread subject: :: Eupeodes nuba

Posted by David Gibbs on 15-04-2011 12:38

Can anyone tell be how to identify this species, i understand it is close to corollae?

It does not seem to be keyed in Dusek-Laska-1976. Is there a key which does include it, or genit illustrations?

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 17-04-2011 22:35

Males are easy, corollae has a very big genital capsule, nuba doesn't. Male nuba has completely yellow legs.
Females look like luniger, this is a way to separate most of them (but there are always exceptions!): Tergites 3 and 4 each with a pair of transverse yellow marks that are separated both from each other and the lateral margins of the tergites; tarsi (especially hind tarsi) infuscated, much darker than the tibiae; face with at least central prominence mostly black/dark brown; scutellar disc with some black hairs intermixed with the pale hairs; rolled-over lateral margins of tergites black (postero-lateral fringe on front femora including black hairs........luniger (Mg) female)
----- tergites 3 and 4 each with an undulating, transverse, yellow band across the entire width of the tergite, reaching the lateral margins of the tergites broadly; tarsi yellow like the tibiae; face entirely yellow; scutellar disc entirely yellow-haired; rolled-over margin of tergites entirely yellow .......................... nuba (Wied.) (female, part)


Edited by Gerard Pennards on 17-04-2011 22:37

Posted by Andre on 19-04-2011 14:14

In the key by Dusek & Láska, M. interumpens is the junior synonym of E. nuba.