Thread subject: :: Bombylius major female dust collecting

Posted by LordV on 10-04-2011 09:07

Short animated GIF of a Bombylius major female dust collecting. I think I know this has something to do with camouflaging the eggs so they can be lauched near or in miner bee nests. Question though - is the female in the picture actually coating an egg or just collecting dirt to coat eggs with later ?

Brian V.

Edited by LordV on 10-04-2011 09:08

Posted by pierred on 11-04-2011 17:39

I think this is the second option. The female collects dust to coat the future eggs.

Posted by LordV on 12-04-2011 08:10

pierred wrote:
I think this is the second option. The female collects dust to coat the future eggs.

Thanks for the info Pierre :)
Brian v.