Thread subject: :: Hover fly for ID

Posted by PeterD on 06-04-2011 18:03

Can anyone help with this ID please.

Seen 6 April 2011 at Widley, Hants, UK

Thank you

Posted by Andre on 06-04-2011 18:33

An over-flashed Meliscaeva auricollis male ;)

Posted by PeterD on 06-04-2011 19:32

Andre wrote:
An over-flashed Meliscaeva auricollis male ;)

Thanks Andre for the ID also for the comment on the flash setting I have used. Its just the start of the season so I had better get used to using the Macro kit again!:o

Posted by Menno Reemer on 06-04-2011 21:06

Despite suboptimal lighting conditions I favour Melanostoma scalare...

Posted by Paul Beuk on 07-04-2011 07:53

With the scutellum having the same colour as the mesonotum I dare say that sounds plausible.

Posted by PeterD on 07-04-2011 09:43

Thank you all. I shall settle for Melanostoma scalare. A much more common hoverfly here.