Thread subject: :: Abdominal Features

Posted by Stephen on 08-10-2006 13:39

This fly is a Cecidomyiid, is that right? I am basing that on the long legs and long antennae.

I don't remember seeing a tip of the abdomen that looked quite like this. There seem to be claspers, so this is a male? What is that large and somewhat rounded structure on the ventral side of the rear of the abdomen?

As always, thanks for your help!

Posted by Stephen on 08-10-2006 13:41

Detailed View.

Posted by Gerard Pennards on 08-10-2006 13:56

Yes, a male, but in the family Sciaridae!

Posted by Stephen on 08-10-2006 14:13

Thank-you Gerard, I am not doing well with the IDs today. Maybe I should post an easier one to ID the family, like a Tabanid, to get my confidence back.

Looking closer at the photo now (detailed photo posted below) I see the eyes have a spur that allows them to meet above the antennae.

This isn't the first time Sciaridae has fooled me...

Thanks again for your help, Gerard!

Posted by Tony Irwin on 08-10-2006 15:07

The other feature to notice is that the tibiae have spurs. These are never found in Cecidomyiidae.

Posted by Stephen on 08-10-2006 15:14

Thanks, Tony, I have put that down in my notes!