Thread subject: :: Idea about the galleries
Posted by Andre on 01-04-2011 22:18
Paul, isn't it an idea/is it possible to list the photos in the galleries not by numbered page, but alphabetically? Especially in large galleries this would be very comfortable.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 02-04-2011 19:31
That has to be custom coded and may cause a heavier load on the server. I would have to investigate that. Asw I am very busy it may be a while before I find time to look at that. Remind me in two months or so. ;)
Posted by Andre on 02-04-2011 23:44
I will not remind you on this, it is your product.
There are other things I could remind you of.
Posted by Quaedfliegh on 29-10-2011 00:05
That would be nice......
Posted by Lukasz Mielczarek on 29-10-2011 10:35
We have a Polish gallery with such solution
It works very well, but I do not know how difficult it was to create.
Posted by Paul Beuk on 18-11-2011 08:58
Psssssssssst: it's there
Posted by Sara21392 on 18-11-2011 14:59
:D :D :D :D
Posted by Quaedfliegh on 18-11-2011 16:59
HoHoHO lol Thanks Paul!
Posted by tristram on 18-11-2011 17:21
Oh joy! Now I can see, say, all
Phaonia on one page by just going to Muscidae and clicking P. There are a few
Potamia, etc as well, but this is a distinct improvement on having to do a binary search through all 22 pages of Muscidae.
Posted by blowave on 18-11-2011 19:20
Nice improvement!
tristram, if you want to bring up all of one genus you can do that on the site search. I always select 'entire site' and 'result has to contain all those words' which brings up photos in the gallery first, then forum posts. ;)