Thread subject: :: Unidentified Norwegian fly - maybe Tachinidae?

Posted by Leif G on 01-04-2011 23:12

Photographed in south-west Norway in May.

Posted by rvanderweele on 01-04-2011 23:36

A cute Tachinid for our friend Chris Raper

Posted by ChrisR on 02-04-2011 01:08

Probably Gonia picea ... 90% certain :)

Posted by Leif G on 02-04-2011 10:04

Thanks for excellent help on this one!
The forest in the area is dominated by picea.

Edited by Leif G on 02-04-2011 11:14

Posted by ChrisR on 02-04-2011 11:05

Nice :) It is a very rare species here and I only have 2 specimens in my collection - 2 females caught by other people. I hope it is having a good year and I am ever optimistic that I might find one in my area some day ;)

Posted by Leif G on 02-04-2011 11:17

Two individuals were present, mating and flying jet fast.
I'm adding a photo of the couple mating.

Edited by Leif G on 02-04-2011 11:18

Posted by Jaakko on 02-04-2011 22:58

ChrisR wrote:

Nice :) It is a very rare species here and I only have 2 specimens in my collection - 2 females caught by other people. I hope it is having a good year and I am ever optimistic that I might find one in my area some day ;)

These are rather common in the southern parts of Scandinavia. I know that the reality in other countries is something different, but try walking elevated roadsides. You find these guys often hill-topping on such locations and at least in Finland they are rather common suburb species as well!

The season has finally started here. Today more Kirbya and a number of Tachina lurida. It is quite funny, but phenologically speaking the species are later here Germany than back home. I saw the first Bombylius major today, in Finland the species is on wing when there is still snow on the ground... The first willows blooms are already over for a week here!

Posted by Zeegers on 03-04-2011 11:58

Tachina lurida ?

Are you sure you don't mean ursina ?

Is it pretty early in the season for lurida.
