Thread subject: :: Rhamphomyia sulcata - checking

Posted by conopid on 30-03-2011 13:44

I took this female Rhamphomyia off a Narcissus flower on 28 March - UK grassland and pools habitat.

Using Collin (British Empididae) I have keyed it as R sulcata, but the labrum is very long? Can anyone comment?

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-03-2011 14:50

Correct. The labrum is extended, making it appear very long.

Posted by conopid on 30-03-2011 15:38

Ah, is that what happens then? Thanks for the tip and confirmation of ID. Collin guessed that the flight period is May-June, clearly it flies earlier than that.

Posted by Paul Beuk on 30-03-2011 20:10

I can fly considerably earlier than that (as you have noticed) but generally they start getting out in numbers in the second half of April, peak early-mid May.