Thread subject: :: Heleomyzidae from France

Posted by guillaume on 28-03-2011 18:17

Hello everybody,

This is my first thread on this nice forum. :D
I need help to identify a little fly that belong to the Heleomyzidae family.

This fly as been catched on the ceiling of my flat located in the east of France

Annemasse, 74 Hautes-Alpes, France
Altitude : 435 m
Size: 4,5 mm (without the wings)
Date: 2011, March 26th

I tried to use an old identification key (Faune de france, Séguy 1934) that leads to a specie call Helomyza dupliciseta. It doesn't exist in Fauna europaea... Is there a synonym?

Thanks a lot for your helpful comments ;)


No vibrissal bristles

Prosternum with bristles

No bristles on mesopleuron and pteropleuron.
2 bristles on sternopleuron (red)


Edited by guillaume on 28-03-2011 18:36

Posted by Sara21392 on 28-03-2011 20:02

Very good, excellent pictures! :D

Posted by katerina dvorakova on 28-03-2011 22:11

Hi Guillaume,
Helomyza dupliciseta is now Scoliocentra dupliciseta. But this specimen is a Scoliocentra brachypterna (dark antenae).

Posted by Jan Willem on 29-03-2011 09:43

According to Fauna Europaea Soliocentra brachypterna is not recorded from France yet.

Posted by guillaume on 29-03-2011 10:31

Thank you very much Katerina for your answer!

I just have 4 questions:

1 - Is the "dark antenae criterion" the only difference between S. dupliciseta and S. brachypterna?

2 - Is it a male or a female? How can you see that?

3 - As Jan said, this specie is not recorded from france (but is recorded from switzerland... the border is closed from my location). Is there any doubt for this identification?

4 - What is the reference book for the identification of european Heleomyzidae? Is there any online key or pdf available for everybody?



Posted by katerina dvorakova on 30-03-2011 22:42

1) It is not only criterion, second (except of genitalia) are setae before hind margin of mesopleura (brachypterna - absent, dupliciseta - present)
2) I dont know from these photos
3) I forgot the almost new (2004) species Scoliocentra collini, it is extremly similar to S. brachypterna, but S. collini has yellow palpi. This specimen has yellow palpi, so that may be S. collini (but this species can be distinctly separate from S. brachypterna by male genitalia). Wait to Andrzej, may be tell more.
4) I am afraid, i can not help you, I use key from L. Papp (only in Hungarian, I have Czech translation) and key from Stackelberg (only in Russian).

Posted by Paul Beuk on 31-03-2011 11:30

From Andrzej I received a message that the pictures supposedly represent a species of the Heleomyza serrata group... Sc. brachypterna is ruled out anyway as it has bicolorous palpi.

Posted by guillaume on 01-04-2011 19:53

Thank you for these answers ;)

Which species belong to this serrata group?

If I understand well, that's not so easy to separate Scoliocentra from Heleomyza... is there other criteria to distinguish thoses species? (maybe I have other pictures that could be useful)


Posted by katerina dvorakova on 02-04-2011 23:29

sorry for misidentification. Homoneura has one pair of vibrisae and long peristomals. Scoliocentra has not long peristomals, but some species (for example S. brachypterna) has two pair of vibrisae. Sometimes it is very simillar for me. When I have a specimen, it is not a problem, but only from the picture...
Two species belong to the serrata group: serrata and captiosa. Mail terminalia is only reliable character.

Posted by guillaume on 03-04-2011 00:14

Thank you very much Katerina for these great explanations! ;)

Posted by Andrzej on 13-05-2011 23:55

Heleomyza serrata species-group ;-)