Thread subject: :: Sciomyzidae - Pherbellia?

Posted by conopid on 07-10-2006 19:03

The fly below has me stumped. I have keyed it as Pherbellia, but cannot run it to any speciesd in Roskozny's keys. Any ideas what it is.? Have I even got the genera right?!:(

Posted by conopid on 07-10-2006 19:03

Head below

Posted by Nikita Vikhrev on 07-10-2006 23:27

Hi Nigel.
Did you check that it isn't Pelidnoptera?

Posted by conopid on 07-10-2006 23:42

Hi Nikita,
Now you mention it, it certainly looks like it could be Pelidnoptera. I will check it again.